Saturday, 21 February 2009

3rd Production Meeting- Props, Audiences and Influences

Tomorrow is the day of filming, we have decided to go out and collect props tomorrow, which will be put to good use, the wedding dress from a charity shop will be a good buy, we aren't intending on using anyone's because obviously it's a sentimental object. Being from a chariety shop (if we're lucky enough to find one) we can alter it slightly.

Dec the actor who is playing the Groom has already got a suit from which he has worn previously. We will be going to a local joke shop in which we will probably spend around an hour choosing the hair for our newly wedded wife to be seen in. The most important prop will probably the rings, as these send out a significant message to the audience.

Props and costume-
Wedding dress
Tie and suit
Bottle of Wine
Make up

In thnis meeting we have also looked into what audeicnces wnat, and the right age range we will be directing this movie at, for our 'niche' market, to bring into the cinemas the largest amount of people we can which would be above 15 as this is what we have rated our film at. As this is this case there is reasoning in that I do not think many people below the age of 15 would have the strategic to work out what was going out, and would be able to settle down for long enough and figure out the film, the characters and the plot.

While learning about the BBFC we realised that the lower the age rating you put for your film the more likely it’s going to make more money due to the amount of people being able to come and watch it, older ages would restrict many of the audience viewing this film.

We created a questionaire to get more of an idea for the people who would be likely to view this:

Task 5
How old are you? 16-20 21-25 26-30 30+
Do you know what Film Noir is? Yes/No
What’s your favourite film genre?
Do you prefer black and white films? Yes/No
How many black and white films have you seen?
Do you watch films frequently? Yes/No
Who would be your favourite type of character?
Do members of your family watch black and white films? Yes/No
If so, who?

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